21 03, 2017

Derek Ryan Rocks Trafalgar Square

2018-08-01T15:23:49+00:00March 21st, 2017|Fan Message, Gallery, Press|

“Wow, that was special! The highlight of my career.” They were the words from leading Irish Country Star Derek Ryan, leaving the main stage at Trafalgar Square, London. The St Patrick’s Irish festival saw thousands of country music fans cheering on the leading man, Derek Ryan along with his band, who soon stole the show [...]

10 03, 2017

Derek Ryan Releases New Single “Tender” TODAY!

2018-08-01T15:23:49+00:00March 10th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Hailed ‘one of today’s biggest Irish country artists’, Derek Ryan who first came to fame internationally with Irish boy band D-Side, achieving a number one in Japan, and several top 10 hits in Ireland & the UK releases his new single ‘Tender’ this Friday 10th March. Since going it alone, Derek has topped the Irish [...]

2 03, 2017

Derek Ryan returns to London for St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations!

2018-08-01T15:23:49+00:00March 2nd, 2017|Uncategorized|

Derek Ryan returns to the city that inspired some of his early songwriting this month to help celebrate St. Patrick’s Weekend in style, at the annual London St Patrick’s Day Parade & Festival. The official three-day celebration begins on 17th March and runs through to Sunday 19th March- when Derek and his band, will join [...]

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